ten second songsin the stylethe style ofthe same notea sampling ofof our musicdraft of gameof game booksampling of ourdavid bruce composerhow to makelo-fi hip hopto make microtonalmake microtonal lo-fimicrotonal lo-fi hip(jacob collier-style) davidhip hop adamcollier-style) david bruceto g 1/2sharp (jacob collier-style)1/2 sharp (jacobg 1/2 sharpadam neely withmodulate to gto modulate to
how to modulateminute music theorytwo minute musicnote two minutesame note twonot the sameare not thehop adam neelyan ad aimedneely with anthe simple theoryrammstein ten secondof rammstein tenstyle of rammsteinjungle in thethe jungle into the junglewelcome to themusic scales musictheoryforguitarjapanese music scalesof japanese musictheory of japanesesimple theory ofo' mine 12tonewith an adchild o' mineabout sweet childwrong about sweetgot wrong abouti got wrongwhat i gotand excluding womenmen and excludingat men andaimed at menad aimed ata flat areflat are notsweet child o'and a flat"bad guy" byabout rap 12tonewrong about rapis wrong aboutshapiro is wrongben shapiro iswhy ben shapiro(parody) translator failseilish (parody) translatorbillie eilish (parody)by billie eilishguy" by billiesings "bad guy"producers were honesttranslate sings "badgoogle translate singssignatures adam neely4/20 time signaturesbenn and gearmusicians benn andtarget musicians bennthat target musiciansscams that targetsharp and a3 scams thatif producers weretime signatures adamwere honest spectresoundstudiosjazz harmony adammusic theory] musictheoryforguitarg sharp andhonest spectresoundstudios withof music theory]consequences of music[practical consequences ofas g [practicaladam neelystyle ofin thesecond songsten secondthe samesame notehow towrong aboutthe stylea samplingsampling ofgame bookof gamedraft ofour musicof ourmake microtonal(jacob collier-style)microtonal lo-fito makebruce composerdavid brucecollier-style) davidto modulatesharp (jacob1/2 sharpg 1/2to gmodulate tohip hopmusic theoryminute musictwo minutenote twonot theare notflat arelo-fi hipad aimedhop adammine 12tonerammstein tenof rammsteinjungle inthe jungleto thewelcome toscales musictheoryforguitarmusic scalesjapanese musicof japanesetheory ofsimple theorythe simpleo' mineneely withchild o'about sweetgot wrongi gotwhat iexcluding womenand excludingmen andat menaimed atand aan adwith ana flatsweet childsharp and"bad guy"about rapis wrongshapiro isben shapirowhy bentranslator fails(parody) translatoreilish (parody)billie eilishby billieguy" bysings "badif producerstranslate singsgoogle translatesignatures adamtime signatures4/20 timeand gearmusicians benntarget musiciansthat targetscams thatg sharp3 scamsrap 12tonebenn andmusicadamneelyaboutwrong12tonewiththeorystyledavidnotesongsthatsharpmusictheoryforguitarsamesecondmusicianstimegamedraftmakesamplingbookvideoswhatmodulatetheory]yourthisrammsteinflatjunglewelcomeminutescales(jacobwomenjapanesecollier-style)brucecomposersimpleminechildsweetmicrotonallo-ficonsequencesexcludingaimed[practical(parody)scamsharmonytargetgear4/20signaturesgoogletranslatesings"badguy"billieeilishbenntranslatorrudybowielevelssandmanenterjazzayoubspectresoundstudioshonestwereproducersshapirofailsaccountsitefanstwitterothersuggestionsnerdarycontactintendedhardworkingrocktechnounauthorizedlastfeedbackenigmametalamazingballad