
Published Date: 2024/06/02 by: DaVieS


This is an industry-class cross-platform complete Framework written in C/C++ with many built-in functions implemented and designed with absolutely zero depedency needs. 

Cross-Platform: FreeBSD, Linux, Windows, MacOS and more.
Supports: Little-Endian & Big-Endian

Scriptable by Squirrel-Lang, built-in many functions inspired by PHP but with a lot of speed improvements, natively supports thread, thread-pool, thread management, async operations, TCP client and server.

This framework named after my daughter because I realised I wont have as much time as I had it before =).
This framework allows to manage all of my existing applications are once, due flexibility and stability.

Very low memory footprint, and CPU usage.

The project aimed:

  • A single executable that contains:
    • webserver (TLS capable)
    • JIT-like realtime compilation
    • Scripting very similar to C/C++/JS style
    • Advanced networking / multitasking
    • Serial, Modbus, Websocket integrated as industrial feature
    • Cross-Platform  (Windows, Linux, MAC, FreeBSD)
    • CLI & GUI & WEBUI
    • Supports dameon on linux and freebsd otherwise service on windows
    • Frontend & Backend & API model
    • Intended to replace PHP + webserver combo or even mysql.

Development Status: Actively maintained
First Release: 2019.02.01
Kinga Framework based on Nexus8 (ex-framework), which is actively maintaned from: year 2004.

Some Highlights:

  • Async I/O
  • Failsafe operation with internal error handling (HA-Compat, fault-tolerance)
  • Transaction safe operations
  • Built-In Database Support (SQLite, mariaDB, mySQL)
  • TLS/SSL via openSSL
  • cURL Support
  • native HTTP Client Support
  • native TCP Client & Server, with advanced set of utilities (raw sockets)
  • I/O Threads (Network operations are running from a sperated single thread, regardless threading/async model)
  • Very robust networking stable up to 64,000+ real connections
  • Built-in cache mechanism
  • Built-in DOS/DDOS prevention, flood, hang-up protection
  • One-File-Filesystem can be build into .exe or *nix binary, no DLL, .SO files
  • Built-in Advanced config-file management
  • Built-in Self-test-assesements that supports reading hardware informations directly from kernel
  • Built-in crash-report
  • Built-in BootStrap Web Administration
  • HTMLGUI or native GUI (Windows)

One package, multi purpose. Backend + API and Frontend

root@esec:/MVCP/buildsystem/mvcpSources/sources/dev/backend# ./backend [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | bootCode | Nexus-8 Framework Initialising [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | bootCode | Machine Arch: FreeBSD64 [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | bootCode | Build Date: 2020/08-04 [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | bootCode | Build Number: stable-52-gf23a09a3 [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | bootCode | Machine Arch: FreeBSD64 [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | bootCode | Machine Type: LittleEndian [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | SW | Nexus8/Kinga Framework [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | SW | Author: / Viktor Hlavaji aka DaVieS [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | SW | Working Directory: ./ [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | LVM::MAIN | Initialising .. [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | INTR | Performance Set: (90%) [10,30] [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | Logger | Logger Output: System.log [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:48 | application/mvcp-backend/main.c | Initialising MVCP Backend Application [!] True Random generator running [5E8258311D66DE3E1F64985C58D9A939] [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:50 | application/mvcp-backend/main.c | SSL Certificate Store Loaded [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:50 | application/mvcp-backend/main.c | Starting Software ... [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:52 | LVM::NewThread | application/mvcp-backend/main.c:104 -> application/mvcp-backend/api/api.c [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:52 | API/Server | (1) Started Server at address: [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:52 | API/Server | (1) Started Server at address: [::]:6827 [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:53 | LVM::NewThread | application/mvcp-backend/main.c:111 -> application/mvcp-backend/worker/lazy_worker.c [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:53 | LVM::NewThread | application/mvcp-backend/main.c:114 -> application/mvcp-backend/worker/realtime_worker.c [N] 2020-09-17 13:11:53 | LVM::NewThread | application/mvcp-backend/main.c:117 -> application/mvcp-backend/worker/mvcp_worker.c [N] 2020-09-17 13:19:47 | API/Connection | New Connection [8] from [N] 2020-09-17 13:20:48 | API/Connection | Peer[8]: Timeout [N] 2020-09-17 13:20:48 | API/Connection | Shutdown Peer[8]: due Connection Closed [N] 2020-09-17 14:20:14 | API/Connection | New Connection [8] from [N] 2020-09-17 14:20:14 | API/Connection | New Connection [10] from [N] 2020-09-17 14:21:15 | API/Connection | Peer[8]: Timeout [N] 2020-09-17 14:21:15 | API/Connection | Shutdown Peer[8]: due Connection Closed [N] 2020-09-17 14:21:15 | API/Connection | Peer[10]: Timeout [N] 2020-09-17 14:21:15 | API/Connection | Shutdown Peer[10]: due Connection Closed


Currently active/done self-projects by using this framework:

  • sysAdmin ToolBox (Backend, Cache, Cluster)
  • ASPF (Centralised very advanced in/out spam potection)
  • Track-IT (2019) (Complete Infrastructure management interface, Datalogger)
  • SSH Keyring: Two-Factor Authentication for SSH, Backend
  • Backend, SEO, Analytics
  • MVCP 2.0


        void intr_wait_signal(); //Wait until socket operation happening
        void intr_performance(int level); //Level: 1-99, less is faster Socket operations but takes more CPU, this is global setting
        int intr_send_buffer_size(int size); // Get/Set Send Buffer Size in Bytes, if input less than 0 only return the current value
        int intr_recv_buffer_size(int size); // Get/Set Recv Buffer Size in Bytes, if input less than 0 only return the current value
        int intr_send_buffer_size_max(); // Get maximum allowed send buffer size
        int intr_recv_buffer_size_max(); // Get maximum allowed recv buffer size
        table vminfo(string filter); //Returns Current Process and System Informations
        Class PROC_OPEN()
            bool open(string cmd, array args); // Open Process
            bool start(); //Start Process
            void stop(); //Stop Process
            void kill(); //Kill Process
            void intr(); //Interrupt process
            void term(); //Terminate Process
            bool reinit(); //Reinit Process
            bool send(string cmd); //Write stdin to attached process
            bool poll(int timeout_ms); //Return true immediately when there is activity
            bool poll2(int wait_ms); //Return true when there was in activity, wait until wait_ms or one of the buffer become full
            void set_buffer_size(int); //Set Buffer Size in Bytes
            int get_buffer_size(); //Get Buffer Size
            void set_timeout(int timeout_sec); //Set Execution Timeout in Seconds
            int get_timeout(); //Get timeout
            bool is_running(); //Returns true when the process is running
            bool is_error(); //Returns true when error
            bool is_stderr(); //Returns true when stderr available to read
            bool is_stdout(); //Returns true when stdout available to read
            int get_retval(); //Get process return value when end
            string get_stdout(); //Get and clear stdout buffer
            string get_stderr(); //Get and clear stderr buffer
            string get_error(); //Get the error string
            string get_status(); //Get current status
        Class FOPEN()
            bool open(string file); //Open File for Read & Write
            bool open_readonly(string file); //Open File for Read Only
            bool open_truncate(string file); //Open File for RW and Truncate to 0
            bool is_open(); //True if is open
            bool flush(); //Flush File
            bool close(); //Close File
            int size(); //Get File Size
            bool seekg(int pos); //Seek Get Pointer
            bool seekp(int pos); //Seek Put Pointer
            int tellg(); //Returns Get Pointer
            int tellp(); //Returns Put Pointer
            string read(int size); //Read Data
            bool write(string data); //Write Data into File
        Class iMagick
            bool load(string data); //Load image from string
            string save(); //Save RGBA image to string
            string save_jpeg(int compression); //Save JPEG image to string
            string save_png(int compression); //Save PNG image to string
            string save_bmp(); //Save BMP image to string
            string get_last_error(); //Returns latest error
            bool resize(string geometry = "800x600"); //Resize Image
            bool scale(string geometry = "800x600"); //Resize Image
            bool adaptiveResize(string geometry = "800x600"); //Fastest Resize Image
            bool canvas8(int width, int height, COLOR); //Create new canvas, Color could be array [R,G,B,A] or string like HTML colors
            bool canvas16(int width, int height, COLOR); //16bit mode
            array get8(int x, int y); //Return 8-bit Color Array [R,G,B,A]
            array get16(int x, int y); //Return 16-bit Color Array [R,G,B,A]
            array get8Area(int x, int y, int x2, int y2); //Return 8-bit Color Multi Dimension Array [R,G,B,A]
            array get16Area(int x, int y, int x2, int y2); //Return 16-bit Color Multi Dimension Array [R,G,B,A]
            int width(); //Return width of image
            int height(); //Return height of image
            bool put8(int x, int y, COLOR); //Insert 8bit color-pixel into image;
            bool put16(int x, int y, COLOR); //Insert 16bit color-pixel into image;
            bool put8Area(int x, int y, [[COLOR]]); //Insert 8bit multi dimension color-pixel into image;
            bool put16Area(int x, int y, [[COLOR]]); //Insert 16bit multi dimension color-pixel into image;
            bool rotate(int deg); //Rotate Image
            bool chop(int x, int y); //Chop Image
            bool crop(int x, int y); //Crop Image
            bool addLayer(int x, int y, IMAGE); //Merge two image
            bool normalize(); //Normalize Image
            bool enhance(); //Enhance Image
            bool greyScale(); //greyScale Image
            bool autoGamma(); //autoGamma Image
            bool autoLevel(); //autoLevel Image
            bool autoOrient(); //autoOrient Image
            bool imageControl(brightness, contrast); //Set Brightness & Contrast
            bool canny(float radius, float sigma, float lower, float upper); //CannyEdge Detection
            bool kuwahara(float radius, float sigma); //Kuwahara Effect
            bool houghLine(int width, int height, int threshold); //Draw Hough Lines
            bool blur(float radius, float sigma); //Gaussian Blur
            bool motionBlur(float radius, float sigma, int angle); //Motion Blur
            bool adaptiveBlur(float radius, float sigma); //Adaptive Gaussian Blur
            bool adaptiveSharpen(float radius, float sigma);
        string BUILD_DATE(); //Returns C++ Framework Build Date
        string BUILD_NUMBER(); //Returns C++ Framework Build Number
        string LICENSE(); //Return Binary License
        string COPYRIGHT(); //Return Binary Copyright Note
        bool is_bigendian(); //Return true if the machine type is bigendian
        string working_path(); //Return application directory
        string get_working_dir(); //Get Actual working directory
        string os_type(); //Return {Windows64,Windows32,Linux32,Linux64,FreeBSD64,FreeBSD32,Apple64,Apple32,Unknown} depending on machine also +GTK appended if supports it
        string concat(array in); //Concatenate array into string
        string colorize(string in, string color); //RED, YELLOW, CYAN, PINK, BOLD, GREEN, RED_BG, YELLOW_BG, WHITE_BG, PINK_BG
        string hexdump(string in, int hex_col); //Return hexdump
        string hexdump_color(string in, int hex_col); //Return hexdump
        void ssl_setup_ca(string pem); //Initiates CA-Chains of openssl, sahred with sockets and CURL
        void sleep(int sleep_for_ms); //Sleep for given milliseconds
        bool should_stop(); //Returns false if program execution immediately should abort (SIGINT)
        void stop(); // STOP THE PROGRAM AND EXIT
        void crash(); // CRASH THREAD
        double round(double in, int level) //Return formatted double
        string urlencode(string in);
        string urldecode(string in);
        LVM require(string filename); //Load a program-file into a variable
        LVM require_gc(string filename); //RUN GC collector then load a program-file into variable
        Class S7Server
            bool registerDB(int DBnum, int DBSize);
            string getDB(int DBnum);
            string setDB(int DBnum, string data);
            bool clearDB(int DBnum);
            string getDBOffset(int DBnum, int start, int end);
            bool setDBOffset(int DBnum, int start, string data);
            bool start(string bind_address = "");
        Class S7Client
            bool connect(string ip, int rack, int slot);
            bool close();
            string readDB(int DBnum, int start, int len);
            bool writeDB(int DBnum, int start, string data);
            Table getInfo(any);
        void disable_cerr(bool); //Toggle Cerr Output
        void disable_cout(bool); //Toggle Cout Output
        void disable_logger(bool); //Toggle Logger Output
        array get_args(any); //Return array of program call arguments, argv[]
        void cerr(string); //Print string to STDERR
        void cout(string); //Print string to STDOUT
        void stdin(string); //Read string from STDIN
        bool setuid(string username); //Posix setuid
        void guardian_restart(); // Guardian: Restart
        void set_exitcode(int rv); // Set Exit Code
        int guardian_total_fails(); // Get Crash Numbers
        int guardian_total_restarts(); // Get Restart Count
        int guardian_start_time(); // Get start timetamp
        void notify_signal();
        void notify_signal2();
        void wait_signal();
        void wait_signal2();
        string lrc(string input); //Decimal output, Binary input
        int crc32(string input); //Decimal output, Binary input
        int crc16(string input); //Decimal output, Binary input
        string lrc_hex(string input); //HEX output, Binary input
        string crc32_hex(string input); //HEX output, Binary input
        string crc16_hex(string input); //HEX output, Binary input
        int modbus_crc16_dec(string input); //Decimal output, Binary input
        string modbus_crc16_hex(string input); //HEX output, Binary input
        string int8_byte(int);
        string int16_byte(int);
        string int32_byte(int);
        string int64_byte(int);
        string float_byte(float);
        string double_byte(float);
        string byte_int8(string);
        string byte_int16(string);
        string byte_int32(string);
        string byte_int64(string);
        string byte_uint8(string);
        string byte_uint16(string);
        string byte_uint32(string);
        string byte_uint64(string);
        string byte_float(string);
        string byte_double(string);
        string __serialize(string input);
        array(func_code, olen, rval) __unserialize(string input);
        bool check_string(string input_string, string allowed_chars); //Check if string contains only allowed characters
        string str_pad(string string_in, int length, string pad_string, string pad_type[STR_PAD_LEFT,STR_PAD_RIGHT,STR_PAD_BOTH]); //Padding String
        string replace(string subject, string search, string replace); //Replace substring in string
        string trim(string subject); //Trim whitespace from begining and end of input string
        string bin2hex(); //Binary to Hexadecimal conversion
        string hex2bin(); //Hexadecimal to Binary conversion
        array explode(string exploder,string original,int occurances,bool cut);
        string implode(string imploder,array original);
        string concat(array original);
        Class MYSQL
            bool connect(string host, string port, string user, string passwd, string db, string reconnect_sec); // Connect to DB, if host is path then unix socket used
            string escape(string data); // Escape String
            int push(string data); // Run query and return affected rows
            Array query(string data); // Run query and return a multi-level array as results
            bool store_query(string prefix, string query); // Run query and stores it in global buffer, return true if success
            bool pop_query(string prefix); // Pop-out previously stored query (auto-cleanup)
            bool close(); // Close connection
            string error(); // Get Error
        Class SQLITE
            bool open(string file); // Open new file or existing, true if success
            string escape(string data); // Escape String
            int push(string data); // Run query and return affected rows
            Array query(string data); // Run query and return a multi-level array as results
            bool close(); // Close connection
            string error(); // Get Error
        bool geoip_country_load(mmdb_file); // Open Maxmind's v2 binary file
        bool geoip_city_load(mmdb_file); // Open Maxmind's v2 binary file
        bool geoip_asn_load(mmdb_file); // Open Maxmind's v2 binary file
        Table geoip_country(string ip); // Query Country
        Table geoip_asn(string ip); // Query ASN
    [Virtual Machine]
        bool make_thread(string vfs_file, string argument, string caller, string receiver); //Create new thread and invoke vfs_file and passing argument to it | caller and receiver for usage stat
        bool create_new_thread(string vfs_file, string argument); //Alias for make_thread
        string get_error(); //Get Error
        [DEPRECATED] bool exec_vfs_thread_string(string vfs_file, string argument); //Alias for make_thread
        Class GLOBAL() //Shared, Threadsafe Container
            string Get(string prefix, string key); //Get data
            void Put(string prefix, string key, string value); //Put data
            void Remove(string prefix, string key); //Remove data
            void RemovePrefix(string prefix); //Remove prefix with its all datas
            Table List(string prefix); //List all data from given prefix
        Class NCONFIG(string logname, string filename) //Shared, Threadsafe Container
            string get(string prefix, string key); //Get data
            void del(string prefix, string key); //Get data
            void set(string prefix, string key, string value); //Put data
            void clear(); //Remove all data
            bool save(); //Save File
            bool load(); //Load File
            Table export_config(any); //List all data
        Class RGLOBAL(string prefix) //Shared, Threadsafe Container, with Garbage Collector, when destroys remove the whole prefix
            string Get(string prefix, string key); //Get data
            void Put(string prefix, string key, string value); //Put data
            void Remove(string prefix, string key); //Remove data
        Class LOGGER(string log_name) //Initiates logging function
            void e(string msg, string file, int line); //Log errors, __FILE__, __LINE__ must be given
            void w(string msg, string file, int line); //Log warnings, __FILE__, __LINE__ must be given
            void n(string msg, string file, int line); //Log notices, __FILE__, __LINE__ must be given
            void d(string msg, string file, int line); //Log debug, __FILE__, __LINE__ must be given
            void E(string msg); //Log errors
            void W(string msg); //Log warnings
            void N(string msg); //Log notices
            void D(string msg); //Log debug
            string copy(); // Copy Log Buffer into String
            void rename(string new_name); //Rename Prefix
            bool file_output(string file); //Logger File Output (GLOBAL)
        Class LVM() //Low Level Virtual Machine
            string get_file(string vfs_file_path); //Get file from Embedded Filesystem
        Class VFS() //Virtual Pseudo Filesystem
            bool emulate(string path); //Emulate VFS
            bool open(string file, int compression_level = 0, string encrypt_key = ""); //Open VFS File
            bool addFile(string real_file, string relative_path); //Add File into VFS
            bool addPath(string real_path, string relative_path); //Add Directory into VFS
            int mtime(string vfs_file); //Get Last Modified tstamp
            int size(string vfs_file); //Get File size
            bool is_file(string vfs_file); //Return true if file exists
            bool extractFS(string out_path, string relative_path); //Extract VFS
            string readFile(string path_to_file); //Read VFS File
            bool writeFile(string path_to_file, string data); //Write file
            bool rmFile(string path); // Delete File
            bool close(); //Close VFS
            bool wipe(); //Wipe VFS
            bool flush(); //Flush VFS
    [Windows Native]
        void HideConsole(); //Hide Console Window
        void ShowConsole(); //Show Console Window
        bool IsConsoleVisible(); //Return true if Console Window Shown
        bool killProcess(int pid);
        Table listProcess(any);
        bool suspendProcess(int pid);
        bool resumeProcess(int pid);
        Table getIPv4Table(any);
        Table getIPv6Table(any);
        Table WMI_QUERY(string WQL, array fields);
    [FreeBSD Native]
    [Native Filesystem]
        bool create_dir(string path); //Create Directory
        bool recursive_create_dir(string path); //Recursive Create Directory
        bool renameFile(string old_file, string new_file); //Rename / Move file
        Table scandir(string path, bool recursive); //Scan Directory
        Table scandir_simple(string path, bool recursive); //Scan Directory
        bool is_file(string path_to_file); //Returns true if path is a file or the symlink is points to the file
        bool is_dir(string path); //Returns true if path is a directory or the symlink is points to the dir
        bool is_link(string path); //Return true if file is a link
        string read_link(string path); //Return link location
        string readFile(string path_to_file); //Read all contents from file
        string readFile_ex(string path_to_file, size_t start_pos, size_t end_pos); //Read selected size from file
        bool writeFile(string path_to_file, string data); //Write data into file
        bool writeFile_ex(string path_to_file, size_t pos, string data); //Append data to pos in file
        bool rmfile(string path_to_file); //Delete file
        bool recursive_remove_dir(string path, bool keep_root); //Recursive Delete Directory
        int get_file_mtime(string path_to_file);  //Get file mtime !32/64bit dependent
        int get_file_size(string path_to_file);  //Get file size !32/64bit dependent
        bool schown(string path_to_file, string user, string group); //chown on windows does nothing
        bool schmod(string path_to_file, string mode); //chmod on windows does nothing
        string exec(string cmd); //Executes a command and return its output (POPEN)
        string exec2(string cmd); //Executes a command and return its exit status (SYSTEM)
        string basepath(string file); //Return a directory of file
        string htime(); //Returns a precision time
        int helapsed_ms(string htime); //Returns time elapsed since htime() in milliseconds
        string helapsed(string htime); //Returns time elapsed since htime() in string formatted seconds
        int stime(int ajust); //Returns current timestamp
        int localize_time(int time); //Returns a local timestamp
        string date(int timestamp, string format); //Returns date, see c++ date()
        string date_utc(int timestamp, string format); //Returns date (UTC), see c++ date()
        string date_rfc1123(int timestamp); //Returns date in rfc1123 standards
        int strtotime(string date); //Date String to Timestamp
        string md5(string input, bool raw); //Generate sha256 hash !UpperCase when not raw
        string sha256(string input, bool raw); //Generate sha256 hash !UpperCase when not raw
        string sha512(string input, bool raw); //Generate sha512 hash !UpperCase when not raw
        string hmac_md5(string key, string input, bool raw); //Generate md5 hmac hash !UpperCase when not raw
        string hmac_sha256(string key, string input, bool raw); //Generate sha256 hmac hash !UpperCase when not raw
        string hmac_sha512(string key, string input, bool raw); //Generate sha512 hmac hash !UpperCase when not raw
        string Random(int size); //Generate some random
        int mt_rand(int min, int max); //Generate a random number between
        string base64_encode(string input); //Returns Base64 Encoded string
        string base64_decode(string input); //Returns Base64 Decoded string
        string sq_AES_PROTO_ENCRYPT(string input, string key, int gzip); //Returns Encrypted Data
        Array sq_AES_PROTO_DECRYPT(string input, string key, string temp_buffer); //Returns array, 0 = Decrypted Data, 1 = Error, 2 = Temp Buffer
        Class AES128(key,iv) //KEY && IV must be 128bit, 16byte long
            string Encrypt(string input); //Encrypt input string
            string Decrypt(string input); //Decrypt input string
            void enablePadding(bool pad); //Enable / Disable Padding (Default: Enabled, PKCS7)
        string deflate2(string input, int window_bits int level[0-9]); //Compress string with deflate
        string inflate2(string input, int window_bits); //Decompress string with inflate
        string deflate(string input, int level[0-9]); //Compress string with deflate
        string inflate(string input); //Decompress string with inflate
        string gzencode(string input, int level[0-9]); //Compress string with gzencode
        string gzdecode(string input); //Decompress string with gzdecode
        string idn_encode(string host); //Convert UTF-8 to xn--- punycode
        string idn_decode(string host); //Convert from xn--- punycode to UTF-8
        string host2ip(string input); //Resolv hostname to IP
        string host2ptr(string input); //Resolv hostname/IP to PTR
        Array resolv(string host, string port); //Query all available IPv4 and IPv6 for give host
        Class CURL() //Full Curl implementation
            bool setopt(string param, string opt); //See CURL setopt
            Table getinfo(&any_value); //Returns a table with all informations about the session
            string geterror(); //Returns an error or no_error if no error
            string getdata(); //Return data received by CURL
            bool perform(); //Do Curl Task
        Class SERIAL(string log_name) //Serial I/O Communication Class
            bool is_open(); //Return true if serial is openned
            bool open(string fd); //Open Serial port
            bool settings(string baud, string bits[5,6,7,8], string parity[no,even,odd], string stopbits[1,1.5,2]);
            int write(string data, int timeout_ms); //Write data into serial port, returns sent bytes
            string read(int max_len, int timeout_ms); //Read data from serial port, returns received data
            bool close(); //Close serial port
        Class DNS()
            Table query(string host, string type);
            Table get_mx(string host);
            Table get_a(string host);
            Table get_aaaa(string host);
            Table get_txt(string host);
            Table get_ns(string host);
            Table get_soa(string host);
            void set_nameserver(string ip);
        Class UDPSOCKET()
            string connection(); //Return socket
            string get_unique_number(); //Generate Mutexed Unique Number
            void wait_signal(); //Wait until some global socket operation done
            bool server(string host, string port); //Bind and listens on IP and Port (IPv4 or IPv6 specified by IP);
            bool blacklist(string ip, int bl_time); // Blacklist an IP address
            Array select(int _poll_time, int max_data_size, int min_wait); // SELECT, MIN_WAIT for a little delay to access more data
            int send_buffer_size(int size); // Get/Set Send Buffer Size in Bytes, if input less than 0 only return the current value
            int recv_buffer_size(int size); // Get/Set Recv Buffer Size in Bytes, if input less than 0 only return the current value
            int send_buffer_size_max(); // Get maximum allowed send buffer size
            int recv_buffer_size_max(); // Get maximum allowed recv buffer size
            int send(string host, string port, string data, size_t max_wait); //returns the sent bytes, max_wait for sending loop
        Class TCPSOCKET()
            string connection(); //Return socket
            string get_unique_number(); //Generate Mutexed Unique Number
            int recv_limit(int limit); //Set current socket receive buffer limit
            /** GLOBAL **/
            int send_buffer_size(int size); // Get/Set Send Buffer Size in Bytes, if input less than 0 only return the current value
            int recv_buffer_size(int size); // Get/Set Recv Buffer Size in Bytes, if input less than 0 only return the current value
            int send_buffer_size_max(); // Get maximum allowed send buffer size
            int recv_buffer_size_max(); // Get maximum allowed recv buffer size
            void wait_signal(); //Wait until some global socket operation done
            bool poll(int min_timeout_ms); // Wait until something happening on this socket, if min_timeout_ms set then returns false when timeout occurs, true if socket has change
            bool pipe(string sock1, string sock2); //Make pipe between provided two sockets
            bool aes(string sock, bool enable, string key, uint8 gzip_level);
            bool websocket_pipe(string websock, string sock2, string type); //Make pipe and websocket capatibility between two sockets
            bool websocket(string websock, string type); //Make pipe and websocket capatibility between two sockets
            Table peer_table(any); //Return Peer Table
            /** GLOBAL **/
            /** CLIENT **/
            string get_errors(); //Get errors separated by (;)
            string get_lasterror(); //Get last error
            void set_timeout(int timeout_ms); //Set global timeout for blocking sockets, in milliseconds
            void lingerie(bool state); //When true, close() will abort connection and do not TIME_WAIT
            void set_blocking(bool state); // If true socket is blocking, otherwise non-blocking by default
            bool connect(string host, string port); //Initiate TCP Connect
            bool ssl_connect(bool verify_peer); //Initiate TLS Session
            table status(&any) //Get status
            bool is_connecting(); //True if connecting in progress
            bool is_sslconnecting(); //True if SSL Connecting in progress
            bool is_connected(); //True if connected
            bool is_error(); //True if error present
            bool is_sslerror(); //True if SSL error present
            bool is_sslconnected(); //True if connected throught SSL
            bool is_readable(); //True if any data available to read
            bool is_writeable(); //True if any data available to write
            bool is_peer_cert_valid(); //True if peer certificate is valid
            bool read_clear(); //Clear Received data, usefull on peek success
            string read(); //Read Received data, empty returned if no data
            string peek(); //Read Received data, but not empty internal buffer
            bool find(string needle); //Search a string in internal read buffer, return true if found
            bool write(string in); //Write data into socket
            bool close(); // Immediately Closes Connection !! (UNSAFE)
            bool shutdown(); // Send remaining in send buffers then terminate connection (SAFE)
            /** CLIENT **/
            /** SERVER **/
            bool server(string host, string port); //Bind and listens on IP and Port (IPv4 or IPv6 specified by IP);
            Table select(wait_ms, bool all); //Select returns a table of new connections and connections that readable or all connections if all applied
            Table select_bind(wait_ms, socket bound, bool all); //Select returns a table and bound to the specific socket and register clients there
            bool copy(string sock); //Clone socket neccesary if new connection appear
            bool copy_server(string sock); //Clone server socket usable for 
            bool ssl_setup(string cert, string chain, string key, bool finit); //Initiates SSL on server Side, this is only need once, if finit = true SSLAccept does automatically
            bool ssl_accept(); //Negoiate SSL Connection
            bool blacklist(ban_seconds);
            /** SERVER **/
        Class WEBGUI(string window_title, string URL, int width, int height) //Launch WebGUI

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