BVCP 1.9.0 Released Today

Published Date: 2022/09/09 by: DaVieS

BVCP 1.9.0 Released Today
BVCP 1.9.0 Released Today

A major version update released out today!
This update address many requests and improves overall speed and performance.

Highlight of this release:
Network Bridge (MTU): BVCP Supports non-standard and non-default MTU values from version 1.9.0
NVM Express (NVME): BVCP Supports for attaching disks through NVM Express API. Also there are plenty of option for this storage type. Became default storage from version 1.9.0
Virtual Console: Highly improved performance from version 1.9.0
For the complete list of changes please refer the changelog below.
The most important thing that the BVCP is still independent from the OS, it is future-proof already.

BVCP with Bhyve is a key for energy-efficient virtual hosting.
To quote from myself "Since 2017 I’ve been focusing my efforts on reducing CO emissions footprint on many different levels on industrial scale IT. My company is trying to be exclusively green. What I need now is mostly FreeBSD and virtualisation technology. To this point it has not been possible for these to come together, until now."

Well nowadays this is matter.
Please Enjoy!

Since we changed our framework for the recent one, some bugs might appear. Bugs like stalling connections and VNC/console drops. You can rollback 1.8.4 stable version at anytime!

2022.09.09: Fix ssl handshake error on high latency networks [framework-issue]
2022.09.08: Add more security to VNC/Console against replay-attack
2022.09.08: Fix new syscall (proc_open) closing random file descriptor when initialises due condition race [framework-issue]
2022.09.08: Fix VNC/Console resource wasting when nobody attached to console
2022.09.08: Fix CPU loop on main thread due socket pipes [framework-issue]
2022.09.07: Fix DProtocol length too small error
2022.09.07: Release rollback before launch due compatibility issues with new framework
2022.09.07: Code cleanup and overall speed improvement
2022.09.05: Fix rare event where send buffer remains untouched (intr)
2022.09.05: framework upgrade, small changes on logging system
2022.09.05: Changing existing NIC's MAC Address
2022.09.04: Fix when new switch created and interface not bound if selected
2022.09.03: Grammar Fixes, Better displaying backend errors
2022.09.02: Fix Interface MTU will be adjusted to the bridge
2022.09.02: Fix (_) and whitespace markings on network switches cause problems
2022.09.01: Fix Mail Queue Loop, Mail ::PORT missing variable
2022.09.01: Added ioctl() MTU readings to able to adjust bridge with bound device
2022.08.15: VNC proxy now quickier, but still no compression
2022.08.10: Highly optimized networking stack, running with much less CPU cycles while response time kick in.
2022.07.19: explode, implode, concat inner functions now uses C/C++ low level API with string pointers.
2022.07.11: stdin, stderr, stdout wont close on service mode while dont mess up the console
2022.06.02: framework upgrade, adaptive network stack with variable socketpool
2022.05.15: Fix MAC addresses are not applied on tap devices
2022.03.30: Added Sata/Legacy (512B) HDD Option for instances those requires 512B physical sector size like MSSQL
2022.03.30: Adaptive Cache on VMs, removing and adding CDrom drives now will take affect on first boot.
2022.03.07: Minor Version number added due a more frequent releases
2022.03.07: Hugely performance improvements on Windows Guests
2022.03.07: Performance Improvements on networking code
2022.03.07: Fixes UI glitches (mixing languages)
2022.03.05: Newly added Network Card is enabled by default
2022.03.05: Fix backend throwing critical error when VM could not start properly (likely on special hardwares)
2022.03.05: Fix worker throwing error when node is disconnected while operating
2022.03.05: Added some default options when creating new VM
2022.03.05: Removed automatic boot & now the default behaviour restore last state
2022.03.05: Fix UI, incorrectly shows ISO images and deleted NICs
2022.03.06: UI Fixes and improvements
2022.03.06: Custom UEFI Firmware with BOOT delay and post message
2022.03.06: fixed error: "the index '4' does not exist"
2022.02.01: Fixed wrong signature that caused the software could not start
2022.01.23: Fixed IPv4 & IPv6 Dual Stack caused session troubles
2022.01.23: Fixed bad SQL query on authlog, now displays actual entries in right order even if it has more than 500 entries
2022.01.23: Added a safe technique if the user IP flapping between IPv4 and IPv6 that was mostly caused websocket errors
2022.01.23: Fixed VNC/websocket connection when using proxy or VPN
2021.12.22: Fixed some errors when hostname uppercase
2021.11.06: Fixed rare errors when multiple nodes added
2021.10.22: Fixed some errors when using wrong API commands
2021.08.04: First Stable Release
2021.08.04: UI Improvements
2021.07.20: Fixed broken [sysinfo] page, HTTP/500
2021.07.19: VNC related network optimizations
2021.07.19: Now, Bhyve VNC Server listens only localhost
2021.07.10: Security Fix: SQLite AUTO_INCREMENT behaviour allows newly created user to re-assign deleted user's IDs.
2021.07.10: Fix: Password stored wrong when new user created
2021.07.10: Enable user to modify: "Wait for Console", "Display", "RTC Clock", "Architecture", "Guest OS".
2021.07.10: Added version information on dashboard
2021.07.10: Newly created VMs are minimally preconfigured
2021.07.09: Added `RTC is UTC time` switch
2021.07.09: Fix: Notes and Journal inherited from deleted VMs when recreated with same prefix
2021.07.08: Removed IP Address at login splash, (security reason for using behind proxy)
2021.07.07: Added node prefetcher to avoid connection drops on huge latency
2021.07.06: Dashboard runs smoothly, lot of optimizations
2021.07.05: Fix: Config overwrite issues
2021.07.05: Upgraded framework, showing less informations on startup
2021.07.04: Fix: VM disk images wont deleted when not properly detached even if the VM is OFF and is on detaching state
2021.07.04: Fix: Networking issues that interfaces wont pull-up
2021.07.04: Fix: Modified startup scripts and binaries to avoid conditional-race between helper and backend
2021.06.30: Daily Release, tag: v1.0-rc4
2021.06.30: Fix: [Credit: VincentV@HUP]: The installer script may fails due missing /usr/local/etc/rc.d on fresh installs
2021.06.29: Hotfix Release: tag: v1.0-rc3
2021.06.29: Fixed prefix: allowing '_' char
2021.06.29: Daily Release, tag: v1.0-rc2
2021.06.28: Fixed 'sysinfo' hung up when one of the nodes is unavail.
2021.06.28: First release as release candidate


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