GOautodial 4.0 Exploit, Authenticated Shell Upload

# Exploit Title: GOautodial 4.0 - Authenticated Shell Upload
# Author: Balzabu
# Discovery Date: 07-23-2020
# Vendor Homepage: https://goautodial.org/
# Software Link: https://goautodial.org/GOautodial-4-x86_64-Final-20191010-0150.iso.html
# Tested Version: 4.0 (Last relase as of today)
# Tested on OS: CentOS 7


1 - Log in as an agent
2 - Write a new message to user goadmin with random subject and text
3 - Attach your webshell to the message
4 - Access your shell at 
https://www.foo.com/uploads/year/month/shellname.php ( Example: 
https://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/uploads/2020/07/shell.php )
5 - Priv esc and enjoy ... :-)

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